I head to Mexico City to check out one of the most surpising cities in the world. Mexico City plays host to some of the worlds most unique architecture with everything from neoclassical to postmodern. The people were warm and welcoming, the food was amazing and the general vibe and energy of the city leaves you searching for more. Mexico City is easily one of my new favorite cities and I recommend everyone visit!

Monumento a la Independencia.

Polanco district.

Temple of Quetzalcoatl, Teotihuacan.

Pyramid of the Moon, Teotihuacan.

Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan.

Museo Soumaya by Fernando Romero.

Frida Kahlo Museum.

Museum of Anthropologie. My new favorite museum anywhere in the world!

Monumento a la Revolución.

Castillo de Chapultepec.